Michigan Dems to push 'Main Street' message
Law professor Jocelyn Benson was officially nominated by Michigan Democrats for Secretary of State during the state's Democratic Party convention Saturday at Cobo Hall. "With me as Secretary of State, you can be assured that no big corporation is going to drown out your voice," Benson said. "I will stand in their way and get rid of the corrosive influence they have on our elections."
Detroit Free Press
The Daily Tribune
< a href=\"http://www.detnews.com/article/20100829/POLITICS02/8290312/1024/POLITICS03/Dems-pick-Benson-for-secretary-of-state--Leyton-for-attorney-general\">Detroit News
< a href=\"http://www.thetimesherald.com/article/20100829/NEWS05/100829007\">The Times Herald (Port Huron, Mich.)
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