The Office of Campus Sustainability is pleased to announce Green Warriors, a new sustainability initiative designed to engage the campus community in a series of green activities, events, awareness and best practices.
This program will have an overall focus of waste reduction and energy conservation on campus by helping the community understand the importance of leading more sustainable and efficient lifestyles.
To kick off this new campaign, the Office of Campus Sustainability has partnered with Intelen to bring the university a 30-day contest utilizing an exciting smartphone app that is designed to help participants become Green Warriors.
What: Green Warriors Challenge
Who: Main Campus vs. Medical Campus.
Start: 9 a.m., Monday, March 10
End: 5 p.m., Friday, April 11
Here’s how it works:
- Create a profile at “profile.intelen.com” - this will be your user ID that will let you accumulate points
- Once registered, please click “join a game” and enter the following code in the field - 5319CD61B7C71
- Finally, download the free InGage app from the Apple AppStore or Google Play. Type “Intelen InGage” in the search box to find the application. Once downloaded, login with your password and you are ready to play.
Daily, you will have the opportunity to:
- Earn points by opening the app to read daily sustainability tips, answer quiz questions, and review commitments to being ‘green’
- Earn points by participating in Green Warriors campus activities
- Earn points by reporting sustainability issues within your building
- Earn points by offering your input toward WSU sustainability objectives
Weekly point leaders will be posted on livinggreen.wayne.edu. Prizes will be awarded to the top 50 participants on each team. The winning campus team will receive the honor of being named Green Warriors - Campus Champion of Sustainability.
For more information, contact the Office of Campus Sustainability at begreen@wayne.edu or 313-577-5068.