In the news

Terror judge criticized for interview of CIA witness

U.S. District Judge Gerald Rosen, who presided over the biggest terrorism trial since Sept. 11, left his Detroit courtroom, traveled to CIA headquarters and helped interview a witness whose testimony later became key to the judge's reversal of convictions in the case. Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University who has followed closely the unraveling of the Detroit terror case said the judge's actions were not proper. "A judge is not supposed to engage in investigation of the (official court) record and with people who are aligned with one of the parties."

Far-flung jobs slow integration

Study results to be released by Wayne State University tomorrow suggest that jobs dispersed over wide stretches of suburbia are slowing the metro-Detroit region's progress in breaking down segregation patterns. The four-year study is the first to trace the social costs - and benefits - of urban sprawl. Researchers found that metropolitan areas where jobs are dispersed over wide swaths made less progress easing segregation than did regions where jobs are more concentrated. "That means land use does relate to racial segregation," said George Galster, WSU professor of urban affairs. The study does not fully explain whether it is job sprawl that drives segregation or vice versa. An insert notes that conclusions of the study will be presented at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the McGregor Memorial Conference Center.

AP enterprise: Terror judge interviewed witness outside court

U.S District Judge Gerald Rosen's closed-door meeting at CIA headquarters with Justice Department officials and a witness whose testimony was key in the judge's decision to reverse convictions in a terrorism trial has raised the eyebrows of some legal experts. The meeting was held without the presence of defense lawyers because of concerns about protecting secret information under federal law. Some experts say Rosen's actions were highly unusual and could provide grounds for lawyers to challenge his impartiality in the case. "A judge is not supposed to engage in investigation off the record and with people who are aligned with one of the parties," said Peter Henning, professor in the WSU Law School.

Pure Detroit gets more fashionable

A story about the opening of a new fashion design business incubator in downtown Detroit includes a comment by Rayneld Johnson, coordinator of the fashion design and merchandizing program at Wayne State. "It certainly will promote design innovation," Johnson says. The new business, called The Design Lab, will function like a consignment store, with Pure Detroit splitting the sales profits with the designers who will display their work at the store.

Hidden history is man's passion

A story about Detroit-area historian and archeologist Charles Martinez, includes several references to Wayne State. Retired WSU professor Gordon Grosscup recalled that Martinez began showing up at university-run digs in the metro Detroit area in the mid-1960s. Steve Demeterk site manager for a Wayne State dig in the 1960s describes Martinez, who later became president of the Michigan Archeological Society, as "meticulous and unconventional." The article explains that government agencies would occasionally contract with institutions such as Wayne State to conduct archaeological studies of government property.

Both sides score points in debate

Wayne State University history professor Mel Small, author of the book \"The Presidency of Richard Nixon,\" said the recent Vice-Presidential debate could be seen in two ways: on the substance of the arguments made and on each candidate\'s presence. He said Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards scored well on many argumentative points, particularly where the war in Iraq was concerned, and was well backed up by statistics." Vice President Dick Cheney "looked much more commanding" in terms of style points.