WSU may hike Reid's pay
Wayne State University President Irvin Reid is poised to receive a 32 percent compensation increase over five years if the Wayne State Board of Governors approves his pay and benefit raise today. Under the proposal set for a vote, Reid would receive an annual increase in his base salary and benefits worth $126,000 by 2010, bringing his total yearly compensation to $516,760. The proposed pay raise comes on the heels of an 18.5 percent increase in student tuition and after Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon decided this month to donate her pay raise to her university, saying it was the right thing to do in this tough economic climate. \"I don\'t think we should be doing this at this time,\" said Paul Massaron, a member of the WSU Board of Governors who opposes Reid\'s pay increase. He said people at the top need to make sacrifices first. Reid, president since 1997, donated $600,000 to the university with his wife in 2004 and declined a pay raise last year. The board doesn\'t give written annual reviews, but it characterized Reid\'s performance as \"outstanding.\" Jacquelin Washington, chairwoman of WSU\'s Board of Governors, said Reid has done \"a wonderful job\" as president. \"We are fortunate to have someone of his caliber as our president,\" she said. The board may change the details of the proposed compensation package before a final vote at 2 p.m. today.