In the news

Fieger back in the limelight

Geoffrey Fieger owns homes in Bloomfield Hills and the Caribbean , is a frequent commentator on national cable shows and makes a lucrative living using his theatrical style to win big verdicts in high-profile cases. But in the past three months, Fieger has run into legal troubles of his own that cloud the future of the state\'s most famous lawyer. The current problem is a federal investigation looking into whether he illegally reimbursed members of his law practice who contributed to 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. \"He likes the limelight,\" says Robert Sedler, a constitutional law professor at Wayne State University who worked with Fieger to challenge the state\'s ban on assisted suicide. \"But I don\'t think anybody likes their own cases in the limelight. When your office is being searched ... I\'m sure Geoff or anybody else would wish this had not happened.\"

Schools plan minority mentoring program

Officials with Michigan State University and three other state universities have announced a new mentoring program designed to give minority students studying science, math, technology and engineering more help toward earning bachelor\'s degrees. MSU, Wayne State and Western Michigan universities and the University of Michigan - along with a grant from the National Science Foundation - are financing the 5-year, $5 million Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program.


The prosecutors hearing Jack Abramoff\'s confession have, perhaps, too many choices. Depending on what Abramoff tells them, government lawyers could use any of at least four federal statutes to pursue the former lobbyist\'s associates, including members of Congress and their staffers. The laws date from different eras and were adopted not only to stem corruption, but also to fight racketeering and mail fraud. Or, as Wayne State University Law Professor Peter J. Henning has written, \"[O]ne can best describe the federal law as a hodgepodge.\"

College Corner: Photographic exhibit of Detroit Lions history opens at Wayne State University's Walter P. Reuther Library

Former Detroit Lion Wally Triplett will be a featured guest during the reception for the opening of "Double Coverage: An Exhibit of Detroit Lions History through Photographs," 5 p.m., Jan. 26, at the Walter P. Reuther Library. Lions mascot "Roary" will also be on hand during the reception. Contact information is provided. Center for Peace and Conflict Studies to host immigration symposium Wayne State 's Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, together with the university's Society of Active Retirees (SOAR) and the Free University of Brussels, will host a symposium on the topic of immigration and ethnic relations in European and North American cities, Jan. 26-27, in the Community Room of the David Adamany Undergraduate Library. Professor Fred Pearson , director of the center, is quoted in the piece.

Wayne State Developmental Disabilities Institute awarded $150,000 grant

Wayne State 's Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI) has been awarded a two-year, $150,000 grant from the Ethel & James Flinn Foundation of Detroit . The grant will help improve the diagnosis and management of mental illness in people with mental retardation. The institute\'s research team will be working with the Macomb Oakland Regional Center - which currently serves 1,000 mentally retarded adults, of whom 320 also have mental illnesses. Background information about DDI is provided in the story.

Carbon monoxide harms heart

Carbon monoxide can damage the brain, but new research suggests poisoning with the colorless, odorless gas can also cause serious harm to the heart. Patients hospitalized for carbon monoxide poisoning are at a significantly increased risk of dying over the next seven years, especially from heart conditions, according to a report in the January 25 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The report breaks new ground, said David G. Penney, a professor of physiology at Wayne State University , who has studied carbon monoxide extensively. \"We know that a certain fraction of people have acute [immediate] cardiac effects, but the fact that it has a long-term effect on increasing mortality is new,\" he said.

New Drug treats the new face of addiction

Buprenorphine is the first medication available from the doctor's office for treating addiction to opioids, which are narcotic painkillers and heroin. Methadone, the only other drug used to treat opioid addiction, is available only at methadone clinics. "People who would never come into a methadone clinic, because it is both degrading an stigmatized, will come to a physician's office. They could have a cold for all anyone knows, says Charles Schuster, head of the Substance Abuse Clinical Research Division at Wayne State University .

SEC may discipline Ingles

Retail grocery chain Ingles is on notice that it may be fined by federal regulators. Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University in Detroit and former attorney at the SEC, said it is rare for information that arises once a Wells Notice is filed to change the SEC staff recommendation. If the SEC decides to pursue a fine against Ingles or an injunction designed to keep the problems from arising agin, it would have to file a civil suit in a federal district court, said Henning.

Doctors: Grading us isn't the best medicine

The Greater Detroit Public Health Council is planning on issuing physician report cards, and doctors don't like the idea. The rating system may penalize physicians who practice in urban areas like Detroit that have high numbers of medically underserved and sicker patients, said John Flack, chief quality officer for the Wayne State University School of Medicine and the principal investigator for Wayne's Center for Urban African-American Health.