Wayne State in the news

Michigan university workshop on Canadian waste

Among speakers at a March 6 workshop on the contentious problem of solid waste shipments from Canada to Michigan will be professors Julia Ya Qin and Katherine Razdolsky of the Wayne State University Law School . They will address legal aspects of the controversy. Several American and Canadian experts from government, higher education and environmental groups will participate in the workshop, which will be held at Michigan State University and was organized by MSU's Canadian Studies Center .

GLIAC Swim Finals; Swim teams enjoy time in Marquette

Sean Peters came all the way to the Upper Peninsula for an unexpected bath. The Wayne State University coach took the customary post-championship meet dunking after his Warriors surprised him by claiming both men\'s and women\'s Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference swimming championships Saturday at the PEIF pool at Northern Michigan University . \"I\'m very surprised,\" Peters - named GLIAC men\'s and women\'s coach of the year - said. \"We expected great battles from Indianapolis and Grand Valley on both the men\'s and women\'s sides, and to win this is amazing."The City of Marquette has been amazing.\"

Students' path to excellence crosses oceans, borders

This story about USA TODAY\'s 17th annual undergraduate recognition program in which it selected 33 students from more than 600 nominees to receive trophies and $2,500 cash awards as representatives of all outstanding students. Forty runners-up were named to Second and Third Teams. Kathleen Dass, a student at Wayne State University in Detroit , is among the students named to the 2006 All-USA College Academic Team Honorable mention. \"This year\'s honorees represent a new generation with passion, promise and a global perspective. We\'re pleased to be able to salute the good work and commitment of these outstanding students, all of whom are destined to make a difference,\" says editor Ken Paulson.

U-M raised $251 million, MSU $91 million in 2005

The University of Michigan received $251.3 million in donations in 2005, while Michigan State University had gifts totaling $91 million, according to the Council for Aid to Education's annual survey. Amounts received by other Michigan schools included Hillsdale College, $48.2 million; Calvin College, $22.8 million; Hope College, $20.9 million; Western Michigan University, $19.9 million; Michigan Technological University, $14 million; Andrews University, $13.6 million; Central Michigan University, $11 million; and Kalamazoo College, $10.4 million, the council said. The council did not report a figure for Wayne State University .

Restaurateur Frank Taylor to speak at Wayne State Alumni House

Frank Taylor, co-owner of Seldom Blues, Detroit Breakfast House and Grill and The Woodward, will be a featured speaker Feb. 22 during the Wayne State University Alumni Association's Arthur L. Johnson Urban Perspectives Lecture. "The Arthur L. Johnson Urban Perspectives Lecture Series is one of the many ways the alumni association offers alumni the opportunity to reconnect with the university while gaining new cultural insights," says Marguerite Rigby, alumni association executive director. "The series provides thoughtful and interesting commentaries on a wide range of subjects such as politics, business, economics, law and the arts."

Create regional corporation to make rebuilding happen

In an opinion piece addressing the post Super Bowl call for maintaining the momentum in Detroit 's revitalization, Wayne State Law Professor John Mogk says a private public development corporation, chaired by Roger Penske, is needed. Mogk writes that such a group could marshal regional resources and overcome the barriers blocking large-scale redevelopment within Detroit . Mogk adds that the corporation could take over the operation and expansion of Cobo Center and the potential development of light rail up Woodward Avenue .

3 Dems vie for Bernero's Senate seat

Gretchen Whitmer, a Democratic vice chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee and 23rd Senate District candidate in next Tuesday's special primary, expressed her views on higher education. Whitmer said she is pleased that Governor Jennifer Granholm has proposed separating Michigan State University , the University of Michigan and Wayne State University from the other 12 universities in the budget because of their research mission and role in strengthening the economy.

Event Calendar

"Rosa Parks: More Than a Bus Story": Bonstelle Theatre will host Wayne State University Department of Theatre's special performance honoring the late Rosa Parks Feb. 17-18. The husband and wife team of Von and Fran Washington will return to Detroit for a special engagement to perform the only play authorized by Mrs. Parks. Wayne State University: 2006 Black History Month events on WSU main campus schedule: "Socially Conscious Exhibit": Prof. Charles Simmons of Eastern Michigan University will exhibit works through Feb. 28 and speak at 10:30 a.m., Feb. 16 in the Bernath Auditorium; "Afro-Brazilian Politics: Challenges and Opportunities": Ollie Johnson, Wayne State University Professor of Africana Studies, will speak at 12:30 p.m., Feb. 22 in the Faculty Administration Building ; "Reading Black History/Women's History": Melba Joyce Boyd, author of "The Province of Literary Cats," Opal Moore, author of " Lot 's Daughter," and Leslie Reese, author of "Urbanjunkstar," will offer readings at 7 p.m., March 1, at the Bernath Auditorium.

Love and Jealousy: Two Shakespeare plays go up at WSU

A feature story discusses two William Shakespeare plays opening at the Hilberry and Bonstelle Theatres. "Antony and Cleopatra" opens March 3 at the Hilberry Theatre and is presented by students of the college's distinguished MFA theater program. The play continues in rotating repertory through May 3. "Othello" opens March 3 and plays through March 12 at the Bonstelle Theatre. A photo of a scene from "Antony and Cleopatra" is included.