
Wayne State University statement on encampment — May 28, 2024

Wayne State University is committed to free speech and the right to peacefully protest. President Espy has repeatedly offered to engage with students, while also emphasizing the need to dismantle the encampment.

On Monday, there were calls from occupants of the encampment for President Kimberly Espy to meet directly with students. Today, in another response to those requests, President Espy, joined by Wayne State University Board of Governors Chair Shirley Stancato and Vice President of Government and Community Relations Patrick Lindsey, invited two students for an in-person meeting.

President Espy and Governor Stancato were waiting in the Student Center, as VP Lindsey extended the invitation. The students declined to meet with President Espy.

Encampment engagment, part 1 

Encampment engagement, part 2

Encampment engagement, part 3