With midterms quickly approaching, the Academic Success Center is ready to help students complete their courses and effectively prepare for finals and exams. The following tips are designed to help students:
1. Use available resources
The Academic Success Center works to deliver evidence-based study methods to help students learn and succeed academically. They offer course-specific tutoring and study groups, supplemental instruction, workshops, and more. Services are free for students – choose the best option for your needs.
2. Honor the brain-body connection
The brain always prioritizes physiological needs, so be sure to stay hydrated and well-rested. Lack of deep sleep impacts the brain’s ability to both store and retrieve long-term memories — like those you need to access during exams.
3. Set a dedicated space
Identify a quiet place where you can focus (avoid your bed!), and begin your study session prepared with your notes, textbooks, laptop and chargers, as well as water and snacks. Bring only what you need to your study session, and consider leaving your phone in another room if you don’t need it.
4. Test your understanding
Don’t be a victim to the illusion of knowing! Test your understanding by teaching a term or concept to someone else. If you truly understand something, you can correctly explain it in your own words.
5. Identify what you don’t know
Resist the urge to glaze over what you don’t know. Evaluate and rate your understanding of course materials to determine where you should prioritize your time and efforts.
6. Study smart
Rather than reviewing notes, interact with materials and get creative! Make “question-answer” flashcards (instead of definition-only flashcards), design a mind map, draw concepts or generate concrete examples of terms.
7. Take breaks
Try the Pomodoro Technique of spending 25 minutes on intensive, active studying with a five-minute break. Complete three to four of these sessions, and then take a longer break. Be sure that whatever you do during your breaks doesn’t distract you from your next study session.