The Wayne State University HIGH Program (Helping Students Go Higher) assembled and delivered grab-and-go bags to local Detroit-area shelter COTS to help offset the strain that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on Detroiters in need.
The bags feature Bombas socks and a variety of nonperishable food items. They were distributed by HIGH Program staff members and Wayne State first lady Jacqueline Wilson at COTS on Detroit’s west side.
COTS creates opportunities for families to collaborate, thrive and succeed in building strong and stable households, neighborhoods, and communities. Through partnerships, it assists families in reaching their housing, economic, health, education and career goals as they overcome homelessness and break the cycle of poverty for the next generation and beyond.
About Wayne State HIGH Program
The HIGH Program provides critical funds to Wayne State University students who are struggling with basic needs such as tuition, books, housing, and food. A few hundred dollars at the right time can save a student from dropping out of school or being homeless. Students should not have to decide between basic life needs and finishing their education. The HIGH Program has connected hundreds of students with these basic needs and provided a light at the end of the tunnel for what amounts to the most difficult period of their young lives. If you would like to help, donations of any amount are welcome, and you can find all our information at highprogram.wayne.edu.
Donate at highprogram.wayne.edu