The Campus Master Plan Community Kickoff event will introduce Wayne State’s current master
planning process to the community, inviting input for the future of the university.
6-8 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 5.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Wayne State University’s Integrative Biosciences Center (IBio), first floor lobby, 6135 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, 48202
A panel discussion moderated by WDET’s Detroit Today program host Stephen Henderson will explore the importance of an inclusive process to inform Wayne State’s future. Panel members include:
- Keith Whitfield, Wayne State University provost
- Maurice Cox, director of planning and development department, City of Detroit
- Susan Mosey, executive director, Midtown Detroit Inc.
- Robin Boyle, professor emeritus, Wayne State University Department of Urban Studies and Planning
“Wayne State has been entrenched in the city of Detroit for 150 years,” said Ashley S. Flintoff, Wayne State University director of planning and space management, Facilities Planning and Management. “The master planning process will provide Wayne State with a framework to address the context of our campus in the city as well as provide a vision for the future of Detroit’s urban research university. It is important that this process include input from our students, faculty and staff, as well as our neighbors and alumni around Southeastern Michigan. This event will provide the first of many opportunities to engage with the university and its consultants around the master plan.”
The Campus Master Plan Community Kickoff event is open to the public. To register, visit https://rsvp.wayne.edu/campus-master-plan-community-kickoff/
For more information, contact Master Planning at 313-577-1970 or masterplan@wayne.edu.
This event is in partnership with WDET, Detroit's Public Radio Station.