September 25, 2017

Wayne State’s Office of Federal TRIO awarded five-year grant for the McNair Scholars Program

The Wayne State University Office of Federal TRIO was recently awarded a five-year, $1,187,720 grant for the McNair Scholars Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program.

The McNair Scholars Program prepares eligible participants for doctoral studies through involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. Participants are low-income, first-generation undergraduate students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have demonstrated strong academic potential and the desire to earn a Ph.D. The goal of the program is to increase the attainment of Ph.D.’s by students from underrepresented segments of society.

The McNair Scholars Program serves 30 students on an annual basis and engages them in an intensive program that includes a seminar series focused upon developing strong research skills, facilitating faculty mentorships, the graduate school admission and funding process, writing a research paper published in the McNair Scholars Journal, and scholarly presentations at national research conferences.

The Academic Year Component provides a Pre-McNair Prep Academy research learning community designed to provide interested applicants with early exposure to graduate school expectations, the fundamentals of research, careers where research skills are an invaluable asset, and how to find paid mentoring and research experiences. McNair staff work closely with students to complete their undergraduate requirements, find the best graduate programs for their field of study, complete admission applications and obtain maximum funding support for graduate study. Students are required to present research projects at national McNair conferences, where they network with faculty, graduate school recruiters and McNair Scholars from colleges and universities throughout the nation.

The summer component consists of an intensive undergraduate research project facilitated by a faculty member. McNair Scholars also participate in a Graduate Record Examination preparation course and seminars on research writing, financial education, and positive transitions to graduate school life and culture. McNair provides students with individual support services and mentoring for personal and professional development.  

For more information about the Wayne State University McNair Scholars Program, contact Director Henry L. Robinson at 313-577-7538 or


Henry Robinson
Phone: 313-577-7538

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