Dania Baraka, a student in Wayne State University’s chemistry department, has been named to the American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) Student Advisory Council. Baraka is one of just 10 students in the country to be selected for the prestigious group.
As a member of the AAUW Student Advisory Council, she will serve as an ambassador of gender equity on campus and in the community. Members of the council also advise AAUW staff on issues related to student experiences and assist with planning the annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).
Baraka, a senior, attended the 2015 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders and came away inspired.
“Being around so many incredible women from so many diverse backgrounds was a life-changing experience,” Baraka said. “These women work tirelessly to further gender equity here and abroad. They made me want to do more.”
In addition to hosting the NCCWSL, the AAUW conducts research on issues related to gender equality in education and in the workplace, including the pay gap between men and women, sexual harassment in schools and on college campuses, and the underrepresentation of women in STEM-related fields.
Baraka, who is passionate about health disparities and aspires to attend medical school, was drawn to the group’s commitment to equality. In addition to her studies, Baraka volunteers with a variety of organizations that promote advocacy and welfare, including the University of Michigan Mott’s Children’s Hospital; Best Buddies International, a group dedicated to the equality for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and After the Bell, an after-school enrichment program helping Detroit students.
“I think we all learn a lot about ourselves when we stop and consider the experiences of others,” she said. “Representation is important for everyone.”
To learn more about the American Association of University Women, visit aauw.org. To learn more about Wayne State’s AAUW chapter, the Warrior Women Coalition, or any of the more than 400 student organizations on campus, contact the Dean of Students Office at 313-577-1010 or doso@wayne.edu.