March 21, 2016

Fall priority registration begins March 28

Although students are just returning from spring break, now is a great time to think about courses for the fall semester. Wayne State is making

Although students are just returning from spring break, now is a great time to think about courses for the fall semester. Wayne State is making it easier to do so with priority registration.

Beginning March 28, the university will  begin course registration for the fall 2016 semester with an introductory week of priority registration   - course registration on a rolling basis.  This practice was used with great success for the spring/summer 2016 registration.

The  schedule of classes  is now online, and students can begin browsing and selecting courses.  

Priority registration gives upper-level students such as seniors a day to register for classes relative to students who have accumulated fewer credit hours. Juniors will then have a day to register before sophomores, and so on.

Benefits include:

  • Reduced time to graduation: Upper-level students will be able to register for the courses they need to graduate before those courses reach their enrollment limits.      
  • Enhanced connectivity to the online registration system: Because the registration process will be spread out over several days, fewer students will be trying to register simultaneously, reducing the likelihood of computer system crashes.  

Students must resolve any financial aid issues before registering for courses.

Class standing (senior, junior, sophomore or freshman) is based on the number of credit hours a student has completed at the time of registration. Class standing does not include course credits a student is currently taking but has not yet completed.

This process is cumulative; once students have reached their assigned day for registration, they can continue registering on subsequent days.  

Below is the 2016 fall priority registration schedule:

Graduate students                                            

Monday, March 28; 7 a.m.-midnight

Seniors (88+ credits)                                            

Tuesday, March 29; 7 a.m.-midnight

Juniors (56-87 credits) and APEX Scholars              

Wednesday, March 30; 7 a.m.-midnight

Sophomores (29-55 credits)                                  

Thursday, March 31; 7 a.m.-midnight

Freshmen (0-28 credits) and postbaccalaureates    

Fri, April 1; 7 a.m.-midnight

In addition to Priority Registration, Spring/Summer registration is still open. Wayne State University has announced it will continue a tuition discount program that cuts undergraduate tuition by 30 percent for 2016 spring and summer semester courses. University officials developed the program last year to deliver direct tuition savings while encouraging faster degree completion. To be eligible for the Spring/Summer Tuition Break program, students must have registered for and be on track to complete 24 credits between fall 2015 and winter 2016, and must have had a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 at the end of fall 2015.



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