February 22, 2016

Baroudeur Deux, coming August 2016

Summer is the time for blockbuster movies but this year's most anticipated sequel won't be found on the silver screen. The Baroudeur Deux, the 2016

Summer is the time for blockbuster movies but this year's most anticipated sequel won't be found on the silver screen.

The Baroudeur Deux, the 2016 version of Wayne State's highly successful cycling event to raise money for student scholarships, will be held on Saturday, Aug. 20, 2016, and registration is now open.

"We expect The Baroudeur to be a hot ticket this summer, so if you want to join us, I encourage you to register sooner rather than later," says Matt Lockwood, ride director and WSU's director of communications. "We're capping the number of riders at 2,000, and I'm confident we will hit that number."  

This year, participants can choose to ride 25, 62 or 100 miles. All Baroudeur courses are on the open road, so cyclists will be riding with vehicular traffic and must obey traffic laws.

The Baroudeur is a fun, noncompetitive event, but the distances require increasing levels of physical fitness. With six months until the event, there's plenty of time to get in shape. To help participants, training rides will be held once again this year on Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m., beginning on May 31 and taking off from Lot 15 at the corner of Cass and York.  

"If people don't plan on riding in The Baroudeur, we encourage them to support the event and economically disadvantaged students by volunteering," says Lockwood. "Last year's success can be attributed to our 300 volunteers who did a fantastic job."

Sign up to volunteer at this year's event.

Participants and volunteers are invited to enjoy a post-ride party in the center of campus with lunch, beer and music.

Learn more and register today.


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