February 10, 2016

Wayne State offers 30 percent cut for tuition and housing for 2016 spring and summer semesters

Wayne State University has announced it will continue a tuition discount program that cuts undergraduate tuition by 30 percent for 2016 spring and summer semester

Wayne State University has announced it will continue a tuition discount program that cuts undergraduate tuition by 30 percent for 2016 spring and summer semester courses. University officials developed the program last year to deliver direct tuition savings while encouraging faster degree completion.

To be eligible for the Spring/Summer Tuition Break program, students must have registered and be on track to complete 24 credits between Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, and must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.5 at the end of Fall 2015.  

Eligibility requirements were designed to both include and support many in WSU's diverse student body - 80 percent of whom rely on financial assistance. Last year, 2,725 students took advantage of the discount.  

This year, the discount extends to post-bachelor students, and students are allowed to repeat a course that they've already taken.  

"The Spring/Summer Tuition Break has proven to be a good incentive for students to take an extra class or two and progress toward their degrees in the most cost-effective way possible," said Margaret E. Winters, Wayne State's provost. "We love seeing our students on campus, but we also want them to complete their degrees as soon as possible so they can begin their careers."    

To further support students who qualify for this tuition discount, campus housing also will be discounted 30 percent for those students who want to live on campus during the spring/summer terms.

Students are encouraged to meet with their advisers to plan their summer schedules, and can schedule an appointment through wams.wayne.edu.    

Visit  wayne.edu/tuition  for more information on the tuition discount program. Students with questions about Spring/Summer Tuition Break should contact the Student Service Center at 313-577-2100 or  studentservice@wayne.edu.  

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