The road to graduation can be paved with uncertainty for students who don’t have a solid plan. But with online advising tool Degree Works, Wayne State students now have a roadmap for academic success.
“This changes the way we work with students. The academic plan is interactive,” said Christopher Wolfs, assistant registrar for curricular services. “Everything is easier and, at the same time, more robust.”
Degree Works, which recently became accessible through Academica, produces an easy-to-read academic evaluation to help students and advisors monitor progress.
The software provides the university with a degree worksheet, academic plan and transfer equivalency self-service to assist students and advisors as they work toward graduation.
Ultimately, students save time and money by better understanding degree requirements.
“Before, advisors spent a good chunk of appointments talking about requirements,” said James Fortune, academic advisor in the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance. “Now, with students being able to access that information themselves, you get to spend more time advising students on how to fulfill their goals, hopes and dreams. Your conversation can shift to what they can do in terms of extracurricular work and how they can get involved in the department.”
For more information about Degree Works, visit wayne.edu/degreeworks.