January 30, 2015

Stay motivated to keep new year's resolutions

It's a new year, which often translates to a new start for many people. Whether it's vowing to exercise more, lose weight or live more

It's a new year, which often translates to a new start for many people. Whether it's vowing to exercise more, lose weight or live more passionately, millions of Americans resolve to change. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that his resolution is to read a new book every other week. While an ambitious goal, it's possible to achieve with proper planning. 

January's Today@Wayne poll gauged whether or not WSU employees planned to make resolutions for 2015. While many - 49 percent - resolved to never make resolutions, 51 percent of employees already made them or had plans to do so. 

"It's good to have lofty and high ambitions, but how do you get there?" asked Jamal Webster, WSU alumnus and learning and performance specialist for Ulliance Inc. "In order to make a change, you need a customized, manageable action plan." 

Webster offers the following tips for achieving personal and professional goals:

•    Break down your goal into manageable steps.

•    Focus on one step at a time.

•    Build in time to step away from your goal and just be (without thinking about it).

•    Put together a dream team. Surround yourself with people who will push and support you. 

Wayne State's Wellness Warriors program offers benefits-eligible employees numerous resources for setting and achieving goals, including one-on-one coaching. For more information, visit wellness.wayne.edu

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