October 3, 2012

Wayne State earns five-year, $2M grant to help veterans transition to college life

The Office of Federal TRIO and the Veterans’ Educational Opportunity Program (VEOP) at Wayne State have successfully competed to win a five-year, $2,002,345 grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

The VEOP offers free educational services to veterans who have completed at least 180 days of service, have earned a discharge other than dishonorable, and have not completed a four-year degree. Counselors offer participants one-on-one advising, counseling and mentoring.

“The purpose of the program is to assist participants in gaining the skills and motivation necessary to prepare and enroll in a program of postsecondary education,” said VEOP Manager Paul Rease.

The program serves a minimum of 178 veterans annually and has several components.

The academic component consists of fifteen weekly sessions, including courses in English, mathematics, science, foreign language, computer skills and study skills. Topics are chosen based upon need.

The personal counseling component is designed to help students develop and cultivate personal support systems, manage stress, set realistic goals, develop positive self-esteem and manage family problems.

Finally, career development counseling aids students in assessing their academic strengths and weaknesses, utilizing college survival skills and selecting courses. The VEOP works in partnership with the WSU Office of Military and Veterans Education Benefits and the Student Veterans Organization.

For more information, contact Paul Rease at 313-577-9716 or e-mail ac2610@wayne.edu.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering more than 370 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 29,000 students.



Paul Rease
Phone: (313) 577-9710

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