June 20, 2012

Wayne Law elects Student Board of Governors

DETROIT — Wayne State University Law School students recently elected the 2012-13 Student Board of Governors (SBG), and voted Assistant Professor Christopher Lund the First-Year Professor of the Year and Assistant Professor Eric Zacks as Upperclass Professor of the Year.

Lund, who joined the Law School in 2009, has received the honor three times. Zacks a first-time recipient, joined the faculty in 2010.

Jack Schulz was elected board president. “There is a very exciting vibe in SBG heading into next year,” Schulz said. “The incoming board is diverse, talented and ambitious. There has been a lot of brainstorming to implement a few new events to help strengthen synergy between the student body, as well as develop mentorships with the faculty. Additionally, we are working to revamp the student newspaper, Dicta.”

SBG officers are Vice President Ken Cox; Secretary Bonsitu Kitaba; Treasurer Daniela Thompson Walters; Student Senate Rep. Kate Beson; and American Bar Association Rep. John Gaviglio.

Student governors are Courtney Williams, Chelsey Marsh, Klaudia Nikolli, Christopher Attar, Binoy Patel, Heather Herbert, Rebecca Petroff, Jim Belitsos, Kevin Kresch, Tanzania Jaysura, Wade Fink, Ryan Carnago, Kathleen Laforest, Michael Khalil, Alex Aksenchik, Adam Blaylock, Isaac Nzoma, Kelly Carter and Blair Gould.

SBG meets every other week in room 1245 in the Law School, and encourages Wayne Law students to attend and voice their ideas and concerns. The board appoints law students to serve on several student-faculty committees; publishes Dicta; and organizes schoolwide and social charitable activities, such as the Wayne Law Ambulance Chase, blood drives and mentoring programs.

“SBG is going to work its hardest to assure another great year for the students at Wayne,” Schulz said.

To learn more about the Student Board of Governors, email wsusbg@gmail.com.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 31,000 students.


Carol Baldwin
Phone: 313-577-9703
Email: carol.baldwin@wayne.edu

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