October 21, 2010

Wayne State University\'s David Adamany Undergraduate Library now offers 24-hour access

\"\"The Wayne State University Student Senate is pleased to announce that the university's David Adamany Undergraduate Library is now open 24 hours a day, five days a week. In response to student demands for late night study location options, the Student Senate worked with University Libraries Dean Sandra Yee and Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Ronald Brown to make this student academic life enhancement a reality.

Student Senate President Amanda Carnagie noted that "the students are very dedicated to their academic performance" and believes that this enhancement will "allow students to complete their degree faster and positively contribute to university retention efforts." Student Senate Student Services Committee Chairperson Kevin Tatulyan was instrumental in coordinating this proposal and its implementation. Tatulyan interviewed and surveyed students and found that they needed more library space to study for longer hours. This gave him the motivation to lobby for these changes and help bolster Wayne State's efforts to provide quality campus life and retain students.

Carnagie and Tatulyan are excited about this endeavor and hope the pilot period is successful and leads to additional late-night campus options, including dining and retail availability. Adding to the Student Senate's commitment to quality campus life, it will be sponsoring special activities during the overnight hours of study, including surprise snacks, movie breaks, and free massages.

For more information, contact the Student Senate through the Dean of Students David Strauss at 313-577-4977. Additional Student Senate information can be found at http://www.studentsenate.wayne.edu.

For more information on Wayne State University's Libraries, visit http://www.lib.wayne.edu.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution of higher education offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.


David Strauss
Phone: 313-577-4977
Email: doso@wayne.edu

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