April 22, 2010

Wayne Law goes green, enrolls in ABA-EPA Climate Challenge

DETROIT (April 22, 2010) - Wayne State University Law School students, faculty and staff members are leading the way on a new environmental initiative that has changed day-to-day operations at the Law School. As a result of their efforts, Wayne Law is pleased to announce its official enrollment in the American Bar Association-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Law Office Climate Challenge in the paper management and Energy Star programs.

The Climate Challenge, according to the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources and the EPA, was designed to "take specific steps to conserve energy and resources, as well as reduce emissions of greenhouse gases - which cause global climate change - and other pollutants."

To qualify for enrollment in the paper management program, Wayne Law increased recycling efforts, began purchasing paper stock with recycled content, and switched to doubled-sided printing and copying. To qualify for enrollment in the Energy Star program, Wayne Law adopted an energy management plan and set a goal to reduce electricity use by at least 10 percent.

Slightly more than 200 law firms and organizations have qualified as ABA-EPA Law Office Climate Challenge partners or leaders thus far.

"This project was initiated by our students, who found a practical and effective way to make the Law School greener while saving money and valuable resources," said Wayne Law Associate Professor and environmental law expert Noah Hall. "I thank and commend students Elizabeth Kruman, Nathan Dupes and others for taking the lead on this initiative."

Added Kruman, "Wayne Law's role as a Climate Challenge partner demonstrates how easy it is to make small, cost-effective changes that significantly reduce our impact on the environment. Our participation in the Climate Challenge helps establish Wayne Law as an environmental leader among law schools."

According to Kruman, efforts are under way to create a student committee that will focus further on the Law School's commitment to going green.

In 2009, Wayne Law launched its Environmental Law Clinic to teach students the skills and strategies needed to affect environmental policy in state and federal government. The clinic, supervised by Wayne Law Adjunct Professor and Executive Director of the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center Nick Schroeck, complements the Law School's strong environmental law curriculum and provides students with opportunities to represent citizens and community groups interested in protecting area air, water and land.

"We are fortunate to have the expertise of our faculty and commitment of our students as we move forward in making the Law School a greener place," said Wayne Law Dean Robert M. Ackerman. "Enrollment in the Climate Challenge is another example of how Wayne Law excels in the area of environmental law. I thank Professor Hall, Ms. Kruman, Mr. Dupes and others for their efforts and look forward to additional green initiatives at Wayne Law."

For more information about the Climate Challenge, please visit http://www.abanet.org/environ/climatechallenge/overview.shtml. Please note that this program was initially titled the ABA-EPA Law Office Eco-Challenge, but was renamed the ABA-EPA Law Office Climate Challenge in May 2007. The Climate Challenge is scheduled to continue through March 2013.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research university offering more than 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.

For more information on Wayne State University Law School, visit law.wayne.edu.

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