October 22, 2009

Caregiver stress topic of Oct. 22 discussion at Wayne State University

Dr. Sue Levkoff, Harvard Medical School, to examine challenges caring for children and adult family members with chronic illnesses, dementia, Alzheimer's and mental illness

Wayne State University's School of Social Work's 22nd Annual Edith Harris Endowed Memorial Lecture, featuring Sue Levkoff, ScD, M.S.W., director, Positive Aging Resource Center, Harvard Medical School.

• The event is free and open to the public, and is approved for 2 social work continuing education hours.

Thursday, Oct. 22, 2-4 p.m.

Community Arts Auditorium, 450 Reuther Mall, Wayne State University Main Campus, Detroit.

The School of Social Work is hosting several events throughout the 2009-2010 academic year commemorating its 75th anniversary, including the Edith Harris Endowed Memorial Lecture.

Levkoff's presentation titled "The Mental Health Needs of Caregivers," applies to a variety of caregiving circumstances and is intended to help the social work practitioner in a variety of settings apply evidence-based and best practices to reduce caregiver stress.

Caregiving experience, whether for a child with a chronic illness or a family member with a persistent mental illness, or dementia or Alzheimer's, can be extremely stressful because it affects many areas of the caregiver's life. Levkoff stresses sensitivity to the diversity of values and expectations that can affect caregiver experiences

Levkoff provides overall leadership for the Positive Aging Resource Center and is an associate professor in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She has served as director of the Primary Care Research in Substance Abuse and Mental Health for the Elderly Coordinating Center; president of the National Association of Geriatric Education Centers; and director of the Harvard Upper New England Geriatric Education Center.

Registration Information: Call 313-577-4464.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research university offering more than 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 31,000 students.


Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093
Email: treynolds@wayne.edu

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