Renowned documentary artists, Pam LeBlanc and Freddi Stevens-Jacobi, will bring their photographic and oral history project titled “In the Fields” (En los Campos) to the Walter P. Reuther’s main gallery Friday, Sept. 15, 5-8 p.m.
The exhibit features 30 large-format color images and oral reflections of teenagers who have spent most of their lives in the fields laboring as migrant workers with their families. They are now facing the prospect of continuing this difficult lifestyle through adulthood moving from camp to camp as the harvesting seasons change. The interviews were conducted while visiting the migrant camps in Indiana and Michigan.
It is estimated that out of the 1 million migrant workers who travel throughout the country, more than 400,000 are children. And, two-thirds of the adolescent farm workers travel without the guardianship of parents.
LeBlanc and Stevens-Jacobi have completed other notable projects including their Academy Award nominated film titled “See What I Say,” examining the revelations of women who were hearing-impaired. Another film, “Waiting Tables,” focused on the lives of women who were waitresses or members of the “pink collar” work force.
Since 1967, the Walter P. Reuther Library has been the official repository of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) which was formed by a former migrant worker, Cesar Chavez. The UFW collection consists of photographs, documents, and memorabilia chronicling the successes and struggles of organizing farm workers during the past 40 years.
For more information about the exhibit, contact Kathleen Schmeling at the Walter P. Reuther Library, (313) 577-2762, or e-mail: Further information is also available at the Walter P. Reuther Library Web site,|.
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