December 29, 2005

Minimal waste at universities

In a letter to the editor, Michael Boulus, executive director of the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan, takes issue with a Jan. 26 Free Press article reporting on alleged waste and inefficiency at Michigan's public universities. The article was based on a report from the state auditor general's office. Boulus points out that the article "ignored the fact that the final analysis by the audit reports for each university ended with the same overarching finding: 'We concluded that the university was generally effective and efficient in its use of resources allocated to support academic and related programs.'" In the letter, Boulus adds, "To pick a handful of relatively small findings in terms of overall dollars and efficiencies and expand them into a general condemnation of university use of tax and tuition dollars is sensationalism." He calls for more investment in the state's public universities.

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