December 21, 2005

FROM OUR READERS: At WSU, success not scandal

Three of four letters addressing the Dec. 10 Free Press story ("WSU chief's travel tab: $50,000") support President Irvin D. Reid's leadership at Wayne State and take issue with the tone of the article. Ann Arbor residents Anthony and Joyce Kales ask, "What's the issue with Wayne State University President Irvin Reid's travel expenses for 15 trips abroad in a six-year period, in order to promote Wayne State to better reflect its broadly diversified, ethnic base?" Christopher Johnson, professor emeritus and member of the WSU Academy of Scholars, and Lois Johnson, refer to the article as "scandal-mongering" which has "reached a new low." They write, "There's no question that he (Reid) has succeeded in building the university's world-class reputation." Michael T. Timmis, former member of WSU's Board of Governors, says the story's headline about " Wayne State 's chief was written with a clear implication that this was excessive." Timmis adds that "Reid has done more than all the previous presidents combined…" A photo of Reid is included.

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