September 22, 2004

Innovative recycling program at Wayne State is win-win arrangement for campus, advertisers

A new beautification and recycling initiative underway at Wayne State University is providing high-traffic areas on campus with attractive container collection units at no cost to the university.

The initiative, believed to be the first such arrangement on any university campus in the state, has the university teaming up with OutdoorPartner Media, a major outdoor advertising firm, to provide neat and durable collection bins at 12 locations throughout the campus. Under the plan, the cost of the "PartnerBins" will be covered by advertisers who will pay for space on the front and back of the units.

The pilot phase of the three-year experimental program began with the fall term this month. The university has the option of increasing the number of collection containers to 30 if there is sufficient interest and support by the campus community.

"We are excited about this opportunity suggested to us by OutdoorPartner Media," says Nabelah Ghareeb, WSU assistant vice president for business operations & auxiliary services. "It is a means for helping to keep the campus attractive, while also encouraging recycling. And, importantly, there is no cost to Wayne State University."

The 90-gallon containers that hold litter as well as aluminum and plastic recyclables in separate compartments are provided and maintained by the advertising firm. The university handles trash removal. Wayne State student organizations will collect the cans and plastic bottles for recycling as a way of earning revenue and as a service to the campus community.

The university also will benefit from the revenue sharing aspect of the program. Ghareeb notes that the university expects to receive 15 percent of the revenue generated by the sale of ad space to local advertisers. As part of the agreement, the university will have the opportunity to earn an additional 15 percent for any sale it is able to secure from ad referrals. Wayne State and OutdoorPartner Media have established criteria to ensure appropriateness of all advertising on the PartnerBins.

The university's Office of Marketing and Communications is cooperating in the effort by preparing a message for placement on one or more of the receptacles. It reads, "Wayne State University Pitch In! Recycle and Help Keep Wayne State Beautiful!" Also affixed to some of the bins will be the WSU marketing slogan: "World-Class Education in the Real World."

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