July 28, 2004

Experts on the Presidency and Presidential Elections -- 2004

Mary Herring, (313) 577-2652,aa3267@wayne.edu, Associate Professor, Political Science - political parties and the nominating process, women in politics, minority voting.

James Chalmers, (313) 577-2637, ad5528@wayne.edu, Associate Professor, Political Science - election analysis and political theory

David Bonior, (313) 577-4024, ap5596@wayne.edu, University Professor of Labor Studies -- labor vote and campaign expert.

Fred Pearson, (313) 577-3453, ab3440@wayne.edu, Director Center For Peace and Conflict Studies, -- foreign policy and elections.

Lyke Thompson, (313) 577-5209, ad5122@wayne.edu, Professor, Center for Urban Studies -- how the Michigan and Detroit vote play in national elections.

Alvin Saperstein, (313) 577-2733, aa1604@wayne.edu, Professor, Physics, College of Science -- weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, international security.

Richard Grusin, (313) 577-7692, r.grusin@wayne.edu, Department Chair, English - role of the internet in presidential politics.

Tim Bledsoe, (313) 577-6333, ad4799@wayne.edu, Professor, Political Science -- American politics.

Melvin Small, (313) 577-6138, aa1174@wayne.edu, Professor, History - Foreign policy and elections.

Kurt Metzger, (313) 577-8996, aa3400@wayne.edu, Research Director, Center for Urban Studies, -- national, state and local demographic trends and elections.

Jerry Herron, (313) 577- 3469, ad5017@wayne.edu, Professor, American Studies - elections and cultural influences.

Ron Brown, (313)577- 9761, aa4723@wayne.edu, Associate Professor, Political Science - African Americans and elections.

Richard Elling, (313) 577-6328, aa5234@wayne.edu, Chair, Political Science - American state politics.

Robert Rossana, (313) 577-3760, aa2488@wayne.edu, Professor, Economics - budget deficits, spending and surpluses effect on campaigns and elections.

Ewa Golebiowska, (313) 577- 6338, ao0189@wayne.edu, Associate Professor, Political Science - public opinion and political behavior, women in campaigns and politics, gay and lesbian campaigns.

Charles Elder, (313) 577- 6340, aa5360@wayne.edu, Professor, Political Science - role of special interest groups in elections.

Philip Abbott, (313) 577-6345, aa2393@wayne.edu, Professor, Political Science -- American presidency, presidential rhetoric, themes and symbols; religion and politics.

Tze-Chien Sun, (313) 577-8840, tsun@math.wayne.edu, Professor, Math - statistician.

Marc Kruman, (313) 577-2593, aa1277@wayne.edu, Chair, History Department - U.S. political history.

John Strate, (313) 577-2668, ad5179@wayne.edu, Associate Professor, Political Science-- exit polls, statistics and sampling errors, candidate images - facial.


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