Sponsored by the Fragile X Association of Michigan, the National Fragile X Foundation and the Wayne State University College of Education, the workshop is designed for educators, therapists, physicians and families of children with Fragile X Syndrome. FX is an inherited genetic condition. One out of 250 people carry the FX gene, which interferes with the formation of a special protein normally found in the brain. FX may cause:
Differences ranging from mild learning problems to severe cognitive impairment
- Behavior issues such as hyperactivity, anxiety and short attention span
- Autistic-like features such as poor social skills, poor eye contact and hand-flapping
- Doug Fisher, PhD, associate professor, San Diego State University, Differentiated Instruction, Accommodations, and Curriculum Development, Instructional Strategies for Diverse Student Needs
- Vicki Sudhalter, PhD, Psychologist and Developmental Psycholinguist, New York State Institute for Basic Research, The Role of Hyperarousal and Inhibitory Control Deficits in the Speed and Language Difficulties of Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome
- Tracey Stackhouse, OTR, Developmental FX: The Developmental and Fragile X Resource Center, Denver, Combining Occupational and Speech Therapies when Working with Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome
- Sarah Scharfenaker, M.A. CCC, Developmental FX: The Developmental and Fragile X Resource Center, Denver, Combining Occupational and Speech Therapies when Working with Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome
Space is limited. To register or for more information, contact Kim Young at (248) 674-2147 or send an e-mail to fraxmich@hotlinemail.com.