September 25, 2002

Detroit Public TV viewers learn caregiving techniques in October 9 Broadcast of

One of our nation's most critical social issues has a communication problem. We don't like to talk about the fact that, during our lifetimes, most of us will be in need of a caregiver or be placed in the challenging role of serving as a caregiver for a loved one.

Detroit Public Television, in partnership with Wayne State University's Institute of Gerontology and other institutions, will address this information gap by presenting AND THOU SHALT HONOR, a two-hour special about caring foraging parents, spouses and friends, airing Wednesday, October 9 at 9:00 p.m. Viewers of the PBS documentary will have an opportunity to phone in their questions about care giving to a local team of volunteer health and social service experts from the Institute of Gerontology and other organizations including the three area agencies on aging, Hospice of Michigan, the Visiting Nurses Association, Alzheimer's Association and the Chronic Illness Coalition.

AND THOU SHALT HONOR tells compelling stories that reveal the emotional, financial and physical challenges caregivers often face. It focuses on family members coming together to navigate their way through the medical, financial and legal labyrinths of care giving. The program examines the impact of the shortage of nurses, geriatricians, and professional caregivers, while describing community resources and model workplace programs. Viewers will also receive information on how they can become more responsible for their own wellness and preventative care.

Channel 56 and WSU's Institute of Gerontology will coordinate phone banks staffed by volunteers who will be prepared to respond to questions about a variety of care giving concerns, including resources available for Alzheimer's patients and Social Security benefits. Viewers will call a number that appears on their television screen during the broadcast. Information will also be available at

AND THOU SHALT HONOR is presented on Detroit Public Television as part of its mission to teach and inspire.

Contact:John O'Donnell, Detroit Public TV
Voice: (313) 876-8164


Jennifer Mendez
Phone: (313) 577-2297
Email: j.Mendez@

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