January 29, 2002

School of Medicine begins multi-million dollar energy savings project

As part of the ongoing renovation of its buildings, the Wayne State University School of Medicine recently kicked off a massive project to upgrade lighting systems within the Lande Medical Building and Shiffman Library as well as the lighting, heating and cooling systems within Scott Hall. Over the life of the improvements, these more efficient systems are expected to save SOM nearly $13 million in energy costs.

Workers will be replacing lighting equipment in all three buildings as well as replacing all thermostats and much of the heating and cooling equipment in Scott Hall. In addition to the cost savings, the project, managed by the university's Office of Facilities Planning and Management through a contract with Honeywell International, is intended to improve the comfort and safety of medical school personnel.

The overall cost of the upgrades, which are expected to run until June, is $6.75 million, a cost that School of Medicine Assistant Dean and Chief Administrative Officer Michael Herbert feels is well justified by the expected returns.

"This project will more than pay for itself," Herbert said. "Not only will we see the actual savings in our energy costs, the improvements will make our facilities more pleasant and productive places for our faculty, staff and students to work and learn."

The School of Medicine's customer liaison for the project is Robert Gagnier, the school's facilities space planner. Any questions or concerns about the project should be directed to Bob at (313) 577-0372 or rgagnier@med.wayne.edu.

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