Heart Health Awareness Month - and it isn't about Valentine's Day
Diseases of the heart are the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. February is Heart Health Awareness Month, so why not help educate the community about what they can do to help their tickers. Possible story ideas we can help you with
Heart disease killed more women than men in 1998, according to the most recent mortality statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Pam Gordon, associate professor of internal medicine, can talk about the unique issues women face in maintaining a healthy heart, including the role of estrogen.
· What should you expect if you have a heart problem? Cardiac units can be nerve-wracking places if you don't understand what's going on. Dr. Larry Stephenson, professor of surgery, has written a highly praised book, "State of the Heart," which guides readers in plain English through every test, procedure and surgery you may encounter if you or your loved one has heart trouble.
· Think you're doing your heart a favor if you go out and exercise vigorously once every few months? A new Wayne State University School of Medicine study shows that you may be doing more harm than help. Although exercise is essential in maintaining a healthy heart, Dr. Barry Franklin, professor of physiology, has shown that sporadic exercise may increase your chance of having a heart attack. The moral? Exercise regularly. If you're a couch potato, though, be cautious when you go out to shovel the snow.