December 1, 1997

Judge Edward Sosnick keynote speaker at WSU for Dec. 10 program on legal aspects of volunteerism

Edward Sosnick, chief judge of the 6th Circuit Court in Oakland County, will deliver the annual Helen L. DeRoy/Josephine Weiner Volunteerism Lecture in Wayne State University's McGregor Memorial Conference Center at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10.

His topic will be "To Volunteer or Not to Volunteer: The Tension Between Wanting to Do Good and Being Sued for Doing Good."

Following the address, a series of interactive workshops will begin at

9:45 a.m. and continue until noon. The workshops will be led by practitioners experienced in volunteer work. Topics will be as follows:

* Avoiding Legal Exposure: Liability Laws and Insurance Considerations;

* Personnel Policies and Employment Laws: How Do They Apply to Volunteers?;

*Complying with the Law While Avoiding Boredom: Challenging the Volunteer; and

* Volunteer Recruitment and Retention: Minimizing Risk to Maximize Effect.

The program is sponsored by WSU's College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs and the College of Lifelong Learning. Admission is free for the lecture, workshops and continental breakfast beginning at 8 a.m. An optional 12:30 p.m. luncheon is $15. For reservations call (313) 577-6712.


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