October 23, 1997

Detroit Renaissance president to speak at WSU about development

The federal empowerment zone, downtown Detroit development and the role Detroit Renaissance will play in southeast Michigan will be the topics of discussion when Paul Hillegonds speaks at a brown bag luncheon at noon Nov. 13 in Wayne State University's Alumni House, 441 Ferry Mall.

Prior to becoming president of Detroit Renaissance earlier this year, Hillegonds was speaker of the state House of Representatives and an instructor at Hope College.

Formed in 1970, Detroit Renaissance's goal is to bring together the leadership of southeast Michigan's business community to support and implement projects vital to Detroit's growth and prosperity.

The program is sponsored by the Alumni Association and is part of the Arthur L. Johnson Urban Perspectives Lecture Series.

Admission is free but reservations are required. Box lunches are available for $11 if ordered in advance. To reserve a seat, call (313) 577-2166 or e-mail aweiss@cms.cc.wayne.edu.


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