High tech gift
A feature story covers the $3 million gift to Wayne State by Troy businessman and philanthropist Marvin Danto. The gift is earmarked for a new Engineering Development Center that will accommodate educational programs, research and development in the fields of biotech, nano-science and alternative energy technology. Groundbreaking for the $27.3 million center is expected later this year. "I see the people of Michigan as the direct beneficiaries of this new engineering center," said Danto, who studied engineering at Wayne State . President Irvin D. Reid observed that "world events are highlighting the importance of our research in alternative and sustainable energy at our College of Engineering , at NextEnergy and at our research and technology park, TechTown." Ralph Kummler, dean of the College of Engineering , pointed out that "our vision keeps our graduates on the leading edge of the workforce in Michigan and the world." A photo of Danto accompanies the article.