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Remake of 1980s cult favorite 'Red Dawn' puts metro Detroit in the spotlight

Jerry Herron, dean of the Irvin D. Reid Honors College, comments in a story about the remake of the movie Red Dawn, which has been filming in metro Detroit since September. "\'Red Dawn\' is playing to the current moment," Herron says. "People feel kind of isolated and alone ... anxious about domestic issues -- the economy, health care, jobs -- and we feel anxious about what\'s going on around the globe."

Gun plan for campuses draws ire

Wayne State Police Chief Anthony Holt was among university and college officials who testified Tuesday before the Michigan House Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources regarding a proposed bill that would prohibit colleges from banning or regulating the carrying of concealed weapons on campuses. He testified against the bill. A WSU medical student, who also addressed the committee, said he believes he should have the right to carry a concealed weapon for self protection.
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Forum: Speaking for (or against) God

The writer of an op-ed piece that is critical of attempts by alleged "anti-Christian groups" to restrict opposition to their views contends that speech codes that prohibit public statements against homosexuality and abortion are common at colleges. "These codes are regularly challenged in court," he writes, "and just as regularly defeated as unconstitutional restraints on freedom of speech and religion. In the past year, Wayne State University agreed to cease such unconstitutional censorship." The writer, Steven Francis, is an adjunct professor at Grand Valley State University and an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund.
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Mistaken attribution

In a letter to the editor, Dr. Valerie Parisi, interim dean of the WSU School of Medicine, points out that former dean Dr. John Crissman is erroneously identified as the current dean under his Oct. 17 letter to the editor. She also notes that use of the incorrect title erroneously implies that the university has taken a position on the issue of a proposed tax on physician services, the subject of Crissman's letter. Parisi writes that personal opinions from individuals within the institution should not be construed as the position of the institution. The Free Press acknowledged the error and listed Crissman's years of service as dean.