In the news

Arianna Huffington shares opinion online, in Detroit

A feature story details Arianna Huffington's visit to Detroit, including her keynote address today at the Detroit Institute of Arts, sponsored by the Wayne State University Forum on Contemporary Issues in Society. She also speaks about her Wayne State visit with WWJ and WJR.

University Research Corridor's economic impact on Michigan is $14.8B

Jeff Mason, executive director of the University Research Corridor, appeared on the Craig Fahle Show on 10/11 to discuss the economic impact from the efforts of the URC's member institutions including Wayne State University, University of Michigan and Michigan State University (cue 1:20:10). The economic impact, according to the 2010 Empowering Michigan report, is up from $12.9 billion in 2006 to $14.8 billion in 2009. That has helped produce an extra $50 million in state taxes, totaling $401 million -- slightly less than half of what the state spends on its research universities each year.

Wayne State University to launch health education centers

Several stories ran statewide highlighting Wayne State University's receipt of a grant to begin developing a network of regional Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) to improve health professionals\' training and access to primary health care. The two-year, $900,000 grant awarded earlier this month by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration, provides the seed money to establish the first two AHEC centers in Detroit and central Michigan. Co-principal investigators for the grant Valerie Parisi, M.D., WSU School of Medicine dean, and Barbara Redman, College of Nursing dean, commented in the stories.,+2010

WSU Hosts E2 Detroit Conference

Wayne State University and TechTown will host the sixth annual E2 Detroit conference on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Judy Johncox, associate vice president for Research and Technology Commercialization comments in the WWJ print story. "Through E2 Detroit, Wayne State and TechTown are giving new life to the Michigan economy by inspiring idea generators to explore entrepreneurial opportunities."
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Editorial: Even short-term deal for DSO will help city

An editorial discusses the importance of a quick resolution to the DSO strike benefiting the region and particularly Midtown - the neighborhood north of downtown taking in Wayne State University, the cultural center, Henry Ford Health System and the Detroit Medical Center. This region is noted in the editorial as "Detroit\'s best hope for reinvention." Randal Charlton, executive director of TechTown, is quoted in the piece.