Putting WSU's mission into practice
Detroit News columnist Laura Berman joined Wayne State University President Allan Gilmour during the recent New Student Convocation and developed a feature story about his move from retirement to academia following a successful career in the automotive industry. On the morning of convocation, he told the assembled students to learn to explore the liberal tradition of thinking broadly and openly, learning \"the value of long-term education over short-term training,\" because one \"prepares you for a job, the other for a life.\" His goal at age 18, he says, was to be a country lawyer, in his home state of Vermont. Instead, after twice retiring from Ford Motor Co., he finds himself still sought after, at age 77, in academia. \"We had launched a national search,\" recalls Paul Massaron, a Wayne State Board of Governors member who helped draft Gilmour into a new career. But late last year, Massaron looked at the job description, and the requirements. \"We came to the conclusion that the person we were looking for was right in front of us,\" says Debbie Dingell, vice-chair of the Board of Governors. \"He gave us instant credibility.\" Photos are included.