ANN ARBOR: Michigan's URC a critical asset in state's economic recovery
At the forefront of Michigan\'s economic resurgence is the University Research Corridor, an alliance of Michigan\'s three largest research institutions-Wayne State University, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan. According to the 2011 Empowering Michigan Economic Impact Report released Oct. 4, Michigan\'s University Research Corridor continues to grow in areas critical to the state\'s resurgence: student enrollments, degrees granted in the high-tech and high-demand sectors, number of alumni living in the state contributing to the state\'s economy through wages and taxes, research and development expenditures and start-up companies. Wayne State University President Allan Gilmour said the report highlights the impact of having universities and business moving forward in tandem. \"Business and universities are both part of the solution to our economic challenges,\" Gilmour said. \"It\'s the combined power that can really make a difference.\'\'