Beginning March 19, all undergraduate students will receive an email from sweetsurvey@wayne.edu requesting their participation in Survey of Warrior Educational Engagement and Transformation (SWEET). The survey invites students to share information on their study habits, routines and coursework, as well as their engagement with faculty and academic advisors, and involvement in student activities, support services, and more. Participation is voluntary, confidential and will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Most questions are multiple choice. Students have until May 17 to complete the survey and be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a $20 Amazon or Starbucks gift card. Prize winners will be contacted via their WSU email by Friday, May 24.
Participation in SWEET is important because Wayne State University’s students are unique — and so are their challenges and desires. From first-generation and first-time students to returning adult learners and a large commuting population, Wayne State takes pride in its diverse student body and wants to meet the needs of all students. To do so, WSU developed the SWEET. The brief survey — developed by an interdisciplinary and collaborative work group of students, faculty, staff and administrators — is tailored to capture the voices of WSU students.
“Our students are diverse and unique, and so are their needs,” said President Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D. “We take great pride in that diversity and are always seeking opportunities to better understand and serve our students. Student success and well-being are driving forces behind every decision at Wayne State, and we hope that they will seize this opportunity to directly share their feedback.”
Last year, the survey provided key insight on students’ experiences. For example, Wayne State learned that although support services are available, many students are unaware of essential campus resources, prompting the university to rethink how such services are communicated. Additionally, SWEET revealed more about the multitude of demands on students’ time, and a desire for a mix of virtual and in-person opportunities, affirming the university’s decision to offer flexible scheduling where possible. WSU also learned that 80% of respondents become more interested in a subject because of instructor influence, highlighting the significant role faculty play in learning and growth.
SWEET is the second broad-reaching survey conducted in 2024, following the campus culture and climate study. While both surveys include questions about belonging, the yearly SWEET dives into learning activities and support services and offers an annual snapshot of the current student experience. As an annual survey, SWEET complements the broader campus culture and climate study, which is conducted every few years. Participation in both allows WSU to make timely improvements that will benefit students while they are still enrolled, while also developing long-term strategies to benefit future Warriors.
Results for the 2024 survey will be available in the fall; meanwhile, previous reports are available online.
The survey is conducted by Wayne State’s Office of Academic Programs and Institutional Effectiveness. Additional details about SWEET can be found at irda.wayne.edu/sweetsurvey. For more information or questions about the survey, please email sweetsurvey@wayne.edu.