Wayne State University this week published the latest issue of Warriors, the university’s community engagement magazine, featuring nursing professors and community pillars Cynthera McNeill, Umeika Stephens and Tara Walker on its cover.
The digital version of the publication can be found at warriorsmagazine.wayne.edu/issue/fall-2023/.
As always, the magazine is chock full of feature stories and news items that highlight the university’s community engagement mission, as well as the role of Detroit faculty, students and alumni in positively impacting life in the city and abroad. Along with the cover story about how the close bond between Walker, McNeill and Stephens fuels their passion for giving back, other profile subjects include alumnus Dartis Willis, owner of the Windsor Express pro basketball team in Canada, and student Denise Ford, a 69-year-old dynamo whose volunteerism, love for the city and passion for Detroit’s NFL team earned her the honor of Detroit Lions Fan of the Year last season.
Meanwhile, there also are looks at the groundbreaking Community Health Worker Academy, whose participants are helping to fill the ranks of desperately needed health care workers in the city, and the Wayne State Guarantee, which offers tuition assistance to students statewide. Finally, WSU Professor Kidada E. Williams, whose book I Saw Death Coming was recently nominated for a 2023 National Book Award, sits down for an insightful Q&A discussion of her work and the importance of history in helping us shape a better future.
In addition to the digital version, Warriors subscribers will receive a 40-page print version of the magazine.
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