April 19, 2023

WSU set to host Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence

Long a fixture among the university’s springtime ceremonies, Wayne State’s annual celebration of graduating Black students will return this year, rebranded but still rooted in its rich tradition.

The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence, formerly known as the African American Graduation Celebration, will take place at noon on Saturday, April 29, at the Wayne State Fieldhouse.

The African-centered ceremony honors undergraduate, graduate and professional school students who’ve successfully completed their studies at Wayne State. As always, the Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence provides a forum where students’ excellence and achievements can be acknowledged ahead of the university’s May commencement ceremonies.

As it is every year, the celebration is open to graduating students from all backgrounds and identities, organizers noted.

Stephanie Hawkes, senior director of the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement, speaks at the 2022 African American Graduation Celebration, which has been renamed the Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence.

“This is not an alternative graduation but rather a celebration of success,” Stephanie Hawkes, senior director of the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement, explained.  “The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence pays homage to African culture and tradition, but the new name recognizes that Black identity is not a monolith.”

The celebration, which is slated to last about two hours, will include a drum processional for graduates and the African tradition of pouring libations, as well as remarks from members of the WSU Board of Governors and Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Mark Kornbluh.

“The Black Graduation Celebration of Excellence provides a forum where excellence among students can be celebrated and achievements acknowledged,” Hawkes said.

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