March 22, 2022

Share your student experience and help make WSU better

Wayne State wants to hear from its students about their experiences, and invites all undergraduate students to  participate in a brief survey. The feedback provided will help WSU better understand and support students’ unique experiences, needs and challenges so that all Warriors can engage and succeed on campus.

On March 22, all undergraduate students received an email requesting their participation in the Survey of Warrior Educational Engagement and Transformation (SWEET). The survey will also be available in Canvas and on Academica. SWEET will allow students to share their experiences with campus environment and activities, learning and instruction, health and wellness, and more. The survey will also inquire about students’ experiences with faculty, academic advisors and support services, learning during the pandemic, and their courses and study habits.

The survey, which is voluntary and confidential, will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and include mostly multiple-choice questions. Students will have until April 22 to complete the survey. SWEET was designed by WSU faculty and staff with their own students in mind, as well as input from students sitting on the SWEET workgroup and the Student Senate. The survey will be conducted by Wayne State's Testing, Evaluation and Research Services.

“In sharing our experiences, we as students can tell the university what’s working well and what could be improved,” said Mohamed Harb, a junior majoring in psychology who served on the survey workgroup. “The survey is an opportunity to share feedback in a confidential way and influence positive change.”

SWEET is designed to capture the experiences of students at every point of their education experience and allow the university to identify opportunities to provide better support.

Survey reporting will be available for students, faculty and staff to view on the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis’ (OIRA) website in the summer.

Additional details about SWEET can be found at For more details on the survey, please contact Laura Woodward at

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