Nancy Chi Cantalupo, an assistant professor with Wayne Law, has researched and written on the subject of mass school shootings in the past. She can speak about the links between mass school shootings and gender-based harassment and violence.
Dr. Tehmina Shakir is a clinical child psychiatrist with Wayne Health. She can discuss about how to talk to kids after a school shooting.
Dr. Arash Javanbakht is a psychiatrist and serves as the director of the Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety Research Clinic (STARC). He can speak on the effects of mass shootings on non-victims.
Hannah Schacter, assistant professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, can comment on although there’s a common public narrative of bullied kids becoming school shooters, there’s very little evidence to support this as a pattern.
Dr. Matthew Seeger, professor and former chair of the department of communication, is an expert on organizational crisis who has written extensively on school shootings. He can talk about the fact that there are usually warning signs before these incidents, and the importance of communications in the aftermath of these events.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Stephanie Hartwell can talk about guns and their effects in schools.
Dr. David Rosenberg, chair of psychiatry in the School of Medicine, can speak to adolescent depression and suicide.
Dr. Poco Kernsmith, professor and doctoral program director in the School of Social Work, can discuss violence prevention. Her interests include examining school-based approaches to prevent violence among youth, interventions, and long-term effects of trauma on children. Kernsmith can also speak to the role of social media and technology and policies to reduce violence.
Dr. Rebecca Sokol, assistant professor in the School of Social Work, is a behavioral scientist who studies youth exposure to adversity and can speak to the public health implications of trauma and violence prevention.
Dr. Pontus Leander, professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, can speak about aggression, gun violence, and mass shootings.
Dr. Brad Smith, professor and chair in the department of criminology and criminal justice, can speak about police behaviors and police-community relations.
Dr. Patricia Wren, professor and chair in the department of public health, can speak about mental health and suicide prevention among students.
Dr. Jun Sung Hong, associate professor in the School of Social Work, can speak about bullying, cyberbullying, adolescent delinquency and violence, student perceptions of safety in school, and predicators of school shootings.