September 3, 2021

Succeed in class with tips from the Study Skills Academy

The Study Skills Academy works with students both individually and in group settings in a welcoming environment to deliver the most recent, evidence-based study methods in college-level learning. Specialists can analyze your current study habits and work with you to create a free, individualized plan for success. The following tips are designed to help you gain and maintain academic momentum:

  1. Identify what you are expected to learn – To process the information that is taught in lectures, you must have something to apply it to. In other words? When you arrive to class, you’ll need some frame of existing context. A 20-minute pre-lecture prep session could save you countless hours of study later. Not sure how to pre-lecture prep? Our specialists can show you how!
  1. Prevent procrastination – Procrastination is a rampant habit that can easily impact college students. The good news is that it is all within your control. Consider working one-on-one with a specialist to create a plan of attack. You can also join one of our Procrastination Accountability Groups to identify your individual patterns and eliminate this damaging behavior. Groups will begin biweekly virtual meetings on Sept. 22.
  1. Be mindful of technology use – Technology is an important learning tool, and some classes are taught online; however, technology also presents opportunities for distractions. How many times have you caught yourself scrolling through the same social media feed as a way to sidestep coursework? This mindless avoidance is problematic when it comes to learning performance. Multitasking while studying interrupts the learning process by interfering with the consolidation of course information. When possible, try to limit multitasking by compartmentalizing your time and allowing yourself a little binge-scrolling during a period when you’re not scheduled to study.
  1. Address stress – Stress is inevitable, but in some cases it is preventable. Instead of deciding to better manage stress, make a commitment to dodge avoidable stressors. Behaviors such as procrastinating, remaining distracted during lectures and studying passively may feel easier in the moment, but in the long run will cause panic and an unsightly dent in your GPA. Consider joining the Academic Stress Support Group, which offers a confidential, safe space to practice stress management techniques. Groups will begin biweekly virtual meetings on Sept. 21.
  1. Learn from past semesters – Had a study method that worked really well at one point? Bring it back into the game! Have there been particular distractions that made learning more challenging? Choose to avoid them now. Reflecting on our past experiences can be incredibly valuable when determining our current needs.

For more information about our services and events, visit our website. For daily study advice, follow us on Instagram @StudySkillsWSU and Twitter @StudySkillsWSU.

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