September 3, 2021

Play it safe for your fellow Warriors

With fall classes in full swing, all students are reminded to take a few additional steps before coming to campus to help protect the health and safety of themselves and the Wayne State community. Below are some frequently asked questions:

What steps must I take before coming to campus?

  1. Submit proof of your COVID-19 vaccination: All students, faculty and staff planning to be on campus this fall are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The deadline to submit proof of vaccination was Aug. 30, but the Campus Health Committee continues to review submissions. If you have not received your COVID-19 vaccination, you can make an appointment at the Campus Health Center or a location convenient to you.
  2. Fill out the Campus Daily Screener: Students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to complete the Campus Daily Screener each day before coming to campus. The Campus Daily Screener is available on the Wayne State website and on the Wayne State mobile app. This applies to all course-related experiences, including clinical or field experiences that might be conducted in another site.  
    1. If you are cleared to be on campus, you will receive a bar code that you may be asked to produce.  
    2. If you are not cleared to be on campus, you will be contacted by the Campus Health Center staff for further screening. You may then be cleared, or you may be referred for testing. 

Do I have to complete the Campus Daily Screener if I live on campus?

Yes, everyone who plans to be on campus must complete the screener each day before coming to campus.

Do I have to wear a mask and/or complete the Campus Daily Screener?

Yes. Remember, all students must abide by the Student Code of Conduct, which has been updated to include a section on COVID-19 mitigation compliance.

What if I have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone confirmed to have the virus?

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (new cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, chills, loss of taste or smell) or if you have been exposed to someone confirmed to have the virus, you must stay home. For those who experience symptoms of COVID-19, the Campus Health Center will arrange testing for you. The Campus Health Center can be reached by phone at 313-577-5041.

Can I get a COVID-19 test?

For those who experience symptoms of COVID-19, the Campus Health Center will arrange testing for you. The Campus Health Center can be reached by phone at 313-577-5041.

How is Wayne State preventing the spread of COVID-19 on campus?

Wayne State has enacted new cleaning and safety measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, in addition to new guidelines that help all Warriors play a role in contributing to the health and safety of our campus community:

  • Vaccine mandate: All faculty, staff and students are required to receive their COVID-19 vaccination to be physically present on campus.
  • Face coverings:  Masks are required in all campus buildings. Information on proper use of face coverings is available at the CDC's website.
  • Hand-washing: Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds several times throughout the day. Hand-sanitizer dispensers have also been installed in every building. 
  • Warrior Safe training: The Wayne State Campus Health Committee and public health students have created and updated training modules to share the latest science on the evolving pandemic and strategies for keeping oneself and our campus safe.

Where can I find additional information or ask a question?

Information about daily campus conditions, health and safety guidelines, the status of campus buildings, and opportunities to submit questions are available on Wayne State’s coronavirus website.

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