DETROIT – Wayne State University has been awarded a $1.29 million high instrumentation grant from the National Institutes of Health to purchase a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer for identification and quantitation of proteins in biomedical research samples.
According to Paul Stemmer, Ph.D., the principal investigator of the project and professor of pharmaceutical sciences in Wayne State’s Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and in the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the system will bring new capabilities to the Proteomics Core Facility that will create research directions currently not possible at Wayne State.
“The new ThermoFisher Scientific Orbitrap Eclipse mass spectrometer will aid researchers at Wayne State by giving them new knowledge about changes in protein abundance as well as an improved understanding of the status in signaling pathways underlying the development and progression of disease,” said Stemmer. “The instrument will be the first of this latest generation of Tribrid Mass Spectrometers in the state of Michigan. The new instrument will have an immediate impact on more than 24 research programs at Wayne State University.”
In addition to advancing science and technology at Wayne State University and in the surrounding vicinity, the instrument will aid in training students and postdocs, provide an opportunity for underserved K-12 students in Detroit to engage in hands-on educational activities, and enable product development at both startups and established local companies.
“This award from the NIH will be a major asset to our faculty and others outside of the university who have a need for higher resolution, greater sensitivity and higher mass accuracy with proteomic mass spectrometry,” said Stephen M. Lanier, Ph.D., vice president for research at Wayne State. “We are grateful for NIH’s support of this important piece of equipment, which will transform research at our university and beyond.”
For more information about this project, visit https://reporter.nih.gov/search/6aKhoI0mwEycTh9IlKrkOg/project-details/10177090#details
The project number for this National Institutes of Health award is 1S10OD030484-01.
About Wayne State University
Wayne State University is one of the nation’s pre-eminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit research.wayne.edu.