September 25, 2020

Group for bereaved children and caregivers accepting enrollment for free online program

Making Connections — an 11-week support group intervention open to Michigan bereaved children (ages 4 to 18 years) and their caregivers — is currently enrolling online groups free of charge through Wayne State University’s Psychology Clinic.

Designed to provide families a sense of belonging and opportunities to learn about positive methods for coping with the death of someone significant in their lives, the program aims to strengthen connections between children and caregivers while developing connections with others experiencing similar grief-related issues.

Making Connections also helps children and parents connect with their own internal and external resources for coping with loss. The support group aims to help bereaved individuals become more aware of the connections between their grief-related thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and to build a bridge between past memories and the present and future.

The curriculum, developed by Robin Goodman, Ph.D., has been practiced and researched successfully for almost 20 years. It has been implemented around the nation, including in the aftermath of tragedy and disaster. For further information, please call 313-577-2840 and leave a message with your callback number to “Making Connections.”

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