With the recent implementation of Burning Glass’ Career Insights tool, Wayne State University has leveled up its ability to point current and prospective students in the right direction for their dream jobs.
“This new software allows users to find career opportunities based on their interests and skills,” said Dawn Medley, associate vice president of enrollment management. “Better yet, once Career Insights identifies your career goal, it will find the program at WSU that will help get you there.”
As an addition to the Undergraduate Admissions page, the tool is an essential resource for students applying to Wayne State. “Many students know they want to attend college, but not necessarily what they want to major in. They can now review Career Insights to help them identify a major area of study and see how that relates to career goals,” said Ericka M. Jackson, senior director of undergraduate admissions.
Career Insights from Burning Glass is already having a positive impact on the College of Education’s website, where it was included as part of a site redesign on individual major web pages.
“[Burning Glass] helps us make better informed decisions programmatically, but most importantly from the student’s perspective, it helps tailor learning outcomes to meet the needs of employers. We can make sure we are providing our students with the skillset employers expect,” said College of Education Dean Anita Welch.
Learn more about the Career insights tool from Burning Glass in this video overview.
The new site is organized to point students toward career paths, not departments. Data collected from Career Insights allows the college to tailor programs to the needs of students.
“We did a Burning Glass analysis and found an incredible need for American Sign Language in the Education industry,” continued Dean Welch. “This is something we have never offered before, but after looking at the data we decided to offer American Sign Language for the first time this upcoming semester. The course filled up in just a few weeks.”
Burning Glass gives students the power to explore opportunities before making decisions. “The most exciting feature of Career Insights is that it allows students to research information on which local organizations and businesses hire for their major of interest. And it updates in real time, which keeps it relevant,” said Amanda Rosales, project director in enrollment management. “I believe this is a game-changer in terms of understanding how various majors of interest are relevant in today's job market.”
WSU Career Services has also implemented Career Insights on their website and found the software useful in assisting students. Not only does it help incoming students find their major, it also helps graduating students choose their path after college.
“Career Insights is an excellent platform for students to be empowered by gaining knowledge of possible majors and potential career opportunities,” says Shawn Pewitt, interim director of career services.
Want to try it out for yourself? Head over to the Career Insights page on the admissions website at wayne.edu/admissions/career-insights.
For more information, please contact Amanda Rosales at aw1324@wayne.edu or 313-577-9760.