July 1, 2020

New Knowledge on Demand platform transforms online programs, experiences

Wayne State University will soon launch a platform to transform its online programming. Coming July 1, 2020, Knowledge on Demand will provide a digital destination that has been designed to support all members of the Wayne State community.

A collaborative initiative between the Office of the Provost, Office for Teaching and Learning, and Computing & Information Technology, Knowledge on Demand offers a new resource for online programs for Wayne State faculty, staff and students. It includes a broad range of courses, from hourlong training sessions — some of which are free — to complete undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

"Knowledge on Demand is an inclusive online course hub where there are opportunities — in professional development, undergraduate courses, graduate courses, and teaching and instructional resources — for everyone to find help,” said Wayne State Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Keith E. Whitfield.

Sara Kacin, director of the Office for Teaching and Learning and newly appointed assistant provost for faculty development and faculty success, notes that Knowledge on Demand will help faculty members who wish to complement the classroom experience.

“This exciting new tool provides a unique way for faculty to enhance the experience in the classroom, whether through remote or face-to-face learning,” Kacin said.

Knowledge on Demand follows the announcement of the Warrior Road app, which will help students stay on track as they earn their degree. Similar to the Warrior Road app, Knowledge on Demand will use information from data sources such as Canvas and Academica.

“C&IT’s ongoing partnership with the academic community allows WSU to continue to provide world-class education in a variety of formats,” said Daren Hubbard, chief information officer and associate vice president for Computing & Information Technology.

In an email sent to faculty, staff and students, Whitfield encouraged members of the Wayne State community to enroll in a program that piques their interests. For more information or to enroll in a program, please visit knowledgeondemand.wayne.edu.

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