April 3, 2020

WSU School of Social Work, College of Nursing establish crisis hotline for healthcare workers and first responders fighting the COVID-19 outbreak

The Wayne State University School of Social Work and the College of Nursing in collaboration with other Wayne State departments has launched a crisis hotline for Metro Detroit first responders and healthcare professionals toiling on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Geared toward health professionals such as nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, techs and assistants - as well as emergency response and law enforcement personnel - the crisis line will be staffed six days a week by professionally licensed social workers, psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioners, and psychologists, who will offer critical emotional support for those working under extremely stressful conditions. These conditions include intense grief, ethical dilemmas, and fears about the well-being of themselves and their family members.

“The motivating premise behind this collaboration is simple: We all need to contribute what support we can to those who occupy the front lines of this battle,” said Sheryl Kubiak, dean of the School of Social Work. “Considering the unique nature of this pandemic, we have to do everything we can to take care of them so that they can continuing trying to save lives.”

The phone number to the hotline is 1-888-910-1636, and counselors will be available Mondays through Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Calls to the crisis line will be free and confidential, and callers will not be asked to provide any identifying information.

Project leaders from the university’s social work and nursing programs will train and debrief volunteers and will organize work shifts.

“The College of Nursing is delighted to partner with our exceptional colleagues in the School of Social Work on this vital project,” said Laurie Clabo, dean of the College of Nursing. “This interprofessional effort is geared toward providing much needed support for those on the front lines of this battle. The combined skills of social workers and psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioners will bring expert care to those caring for others.”

For additional information on the hotline, contact COVIDHOTLINE@wayne.edu or visit our Hotline Volunteer page.

For a PDF flyer to hang and print, go here.

HOTLINE NUMBER: 1-888-910-1636. Counselors are available Mondays through Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.


Elizabeth Vanderstelt
Phone: 419-699-5237
Email: fq0994@wayne.edu
Mari Ellis
Phone: 313-577-7984
Email: mari.ellis@wayne.edu

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